sábado, 15 de septiembre de 2012

Cumple outdoor


Ultimamente tenemos un montón de eventos!! Y el de hoy ha sido un cumpleaños sorpresa!!
El homenajeado se ha quedado con cara de póker y le ha encantado la sorpresa.

Su novia se lo ha currado un montòn,lo tenía todo pensadísimo desde hace meses. Y creo que la fiesta ha sido muy bonita y emotiva. Al final han puesto unos vídeos hechos por sus amigos y gente que no ha podido venir...se han grabado a si mismos hablando y felicitandole,bailando...muy divertido!!
(Sorry por la luz d alguna foto)

Hi! We have a lot of events lately! And today was a birthday surprise! The honoree was left with poker face and loved the surprise. His girlfriend worked a lot for the party to flow. She had everything perfectly planned months ago. And I think that it has been a nice party and very emotional.
At the end she played some friends videos including some made by the people that couldn't come...they recorded themselves greeting him and singing and talking...very funny!!
(sorry for the darkness in some pics)

Vestido: Primark (SS 12)
Chaqueta: Mango (SS11)
Bolso/bag: Mango (SS12)

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